I seem to be averaging roughly half a page a week on Little Princess at the moment which should mean that I’ll be very close to a having her finished by the time I finish my three month concentration period. That means I’ll most likely carry on stitching her to get her finished which will be good as I’m trying to get the number of pictures in progress down to two.
The strange thing is that although I’m getting a good amount done each week it still feels slow because of all the colour changes in Little Princess. I should be making the most of it as I know that when I get back to the blocks of colour on Whispers I’ll be looking forward to some variety. Stitching is divided up by the panels on her dress, the fields panel was a nice break from the cherry blossom panel which was full on confetti stitches. I’ve got a little more of the cherry blossoms to do before I get onto the sleeve detail. I think I can already see the start of one of the duck heads but it will probably be the next page before I see it properly.
1 Comment
you mention that you’re using a needle and thread system to save time when stitching. How does it work? Would you like to explain and show it some time in your blog or can I find it on HAED’s BB? =)
Have a nice day!