Whispers Finished

Just over five years since I started her and Whispers is finally finished. I worked the last two pages together, they were full of confetti but that’s what makes that grass and those daisies look so real. It had been […]
Just over five years since I started her and Whispers is finally finished. I worked the last two pages together, they were full of confetti but that’s what makes that grass and those daisies look so real. It had been […]
I had a week holiday from work and stitched a page. That little daisy was really fiddly and a warning of things to come. It was at this point that I really began to believe that I could get her […]
Oh no I’ve got behind with the blogging again so I’m just going to do a few/ several/ lots / of posts to catch up. Now I’m going all of the way back to page 53 on Whispers and the […]
Oh dear I knew that I was behind with the blogging but I hadn’t realised how far behind I was. Here is page 52 of Whispers she didn’t take too long because apart from a couple of details there was […]
I’ve got that finishing feeling, and the feeling that pages are rushing by. At the moment I have a couple of fairly simple pages to stitch on Whispers after the load of flowers on page 50. Page 51 had a […]
It’s all Whispers at the moment, I’ve got a scent for a finish so she’s unwilling to give up the attention right now. It’s times like this that I foolishly think that I could go back to just one at […]
I’m focusing all of my stitching energies on Whispers at the moment. Part of me is really excited to be ticking off the nearly finished milestones while the other, more realistic, part of me is trying to keep me grounded […]
I haven’t posted for a while but not because I haven’t been stitching. I’ve actually been getting a lot of stitching done but I haven’t been making the time to keep the blog updated. Since I last updated I have […]
Another page finish on Whispers and it’s more about the dress on this page. There’s a couple of little spots of one of those light motes and teeny tiny flowers but mostly it was stitching those lovely folds of fabric. […]