Another page completed in a week. Of course it’s much easier when the page isn’t completely stitched but then there’ s so much detail on Little Princess that any background would be distracting. I’m onto her skirts now and I wasn’t expecting as many colour changes but they’re still there just in a much smaller area. So I wasn’t expecting to finish the page this week except I got lots stitched last Sunday so even with two nights spent not stitching last week I still got a lot done.
I’m hoping now that I can get the next page done before the last page of the sal is released, that would put me halfway through the row of pages. There’s only five pages left with any stitching on so I’m hoping that I can get her finished this year, a few months ago I wouldn’t have thought I could do that.
1 Comment
Her dress is so detailed. I keep coming back to see her progress and a page in a week is a real accomplishment!