Computer Catastrophes is such a mix of stitching. Some of the pages have been large blocks of colour, which are simple to follow and do stitch quickly even if they feel like they take ages. Page 10 has been the opposite, lots of colour changing, lots of stray stitches dotted around and lots of fun. I like to stitch these confetti areas now, I get absorbed in working them and it’s very theraputic. And above all that it makes the finished result look fantastic.

The glass is mostly finished now, just a little bit on the next page where I will be back to stitching those books. The books aren’t too bad but they’re where I had my catastrophe with picking up the wrong colour. I’m sure it will be better this time. I’ll be double checking everything just in case. For now I’m going to swap projects again. I was planning on swapping between this and Mini Lost In You in the hopes that I could get both finished next year. The problem stems from going to watch The Hobbit this week (I managed to go and watch a film and not get twitchy about having nothing to do while I was watching). Ever since then my head has been back in Middle Earth and all I want to do is stitch Eternal Promise. So I’m going to do another page on that before deciding whether to pick up the Mini or Computer Catastrophes. At the moment Catastrophes is shouting loudest.
It’s Christmas next week. I may be back with an update before then, I have a few days off work after all, but I’m sure I will have a page done before the end of the year. Merry Christmas and a stitching New Year to you all.
1 Comment
The glass looks amazing =) It’s worth all the confetti =)
I hope to get a chance to see the hobbit soon, too =) I’m so excited!