So there isn’t much actual train to see yet apart from the lantern and a little blue bit in the corner near it but it feels like I’ve got lots done this week – 3200 stitches actually which is really speedy for me. It means I’ve got about 8% of the picture done. In pattern terms I’ve completed page one and I’ve started on page 10 which is the page immediately underneath which makes up the entire height of the picture.
The bottom part of the picture has all of the foreground elements so it’s nice to get some of those done on my way to the train. I started parking now that it’s on a frame which could explain why it sped up so much. The moon has a lot of colour changes in it and parking makes me work colours in the order they appear on the chart rather than spending an age working out which colour to do next. You can just make out an eye on the moon, more features will appear in the next column. Normally I’d be putting this one away for a couple of weeks but the change to my rotation means that I carry on with it next week too and being easter it will mean some extra hours available for stitching.
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