Back to stitching Whispers this week and I’m trying out a different way of working my way through the pages. Just recently I’ve been dividing my pages into strips of roughly thirty rows. My plan was to stitch two pages before rotating back to Computer Catastrophes which would be fine until I got to the next row of pages where the first page is mostly stitched in black and by the end of the week I’d be ready to swap. Then I had a brainwave that a row has 7 pages and my two page rotation would mean stitching six sections so instead of stitching each page at a time why not work the sections across the row.

I’ve already done three pages on the row that I’m currently stitching so I’m trying out this new way across the remaining four pages to see how I get on. This week I have done almost two sections which is roughly half a page so I think my stitching speed is remaining the same. The downside with stitching this way is that there will be longer between page finishes but on the other hand I’ll finish seven pages pretty quickly. I get to split up the page of almost all one colour and as I’m stitching across I’ll get to work on the focal point a lot quicker – Yes the angel starts on the next row of pages so each rotation will have part of the angel on it.
My magic guide fabric has arrived and I have almost everything ready for a new start. I’m still planning to wait until at least the first row of Computer Catastrophes is done. But my next start will be The Queen of Spades by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law. I’ve been meaning to start her for over a year now but she keeps getting delayed by dragons. Seven pages to stitch before she gets started though so it will be a few months yet.
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