This week has been the August stitch along week so it was back to my little dragon. It was quite a simple page really with all of the yellow cushions. I did have a small disaster though when I found out I had put a colour back in the wrong place on my shade card. Luckily there wasn’t too many stitches to unpick, it could have been a lot worse. I had this problem with the last sitch along too I must be thinking too much about the next colour before I’ve put the old colour away.
The page is finished now and I have to wait a few weeks for the next page to arrive in time for the next stitch along. I’m still on track to get this one finished this year.
I shall be trying a new rotation for the next few months. It isn’t really a rotation as such, more a plan to concentrate on one project for three months and after those three months I give myself the option to swap to another for three months or continue with the same one for another three months. I’m really putting it to the test for the first go though as I’ve decided to concentrate on Little Princess. I’d like to have five pages finished in the three months so we’ll see how I get on.
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