It’s been a while since Snow Girl was last worked on, she is an easy one to push to the back of the list because there is a lot of background, there is a lot of black and there will be a lot of metallic thread. But I have finally finished one of my 2012 starts it’s time to get on with this 2012 start.
The first row of pages is done so from here it will begin to fill up and I should begin to feel that I’m getting somewhere. Except that the first page of this row is background, no detail background, the stuff that I have trouble keeping focussed on. I did my first evening of stitching and I was getting so distracted and making very little progress. The second evening I decided that I was going to work the page colour by colour (there are only 6 or 7 colours at the most in this page). It didn’t take long to get through most of those. I listened to audiobooks as well and made loads of progress.
By the end of the rotation I was down to my last colour. I probably have around 3,000 stitches in this one colour to complete the page. I also finished off one audiobook and got started on another. She will be out again in December and hopefully I’ll be able to get the page finished off as well as enjoying a few more of my audiobooks. She will also be a good project for the stitching challenges in full coverage fanatics next year because those blocks of stitches add up quickly even in just a week.

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