A quick update for the end of August. Progress with Woodland Enchantress continues this picture was taken just as I was ready to roll it up on the frame, the bottom is done so now it’s back to the top for the rest of the stitching.

Now I’m halfway through it’s beginning to feel like there isn’t much left and it will be done soon, I always seem to hit this point but I know that in a week or two it will begin to feel that it’s taking forever so I have to keep reminding myself that there’s still a long way to go. Must resist starting something else.
It’s about this time that the big manufacturers start to bring out their new catalogues this does not help me with my plan to resist starting something new especially when there’s lots of new kits and patterns on the market. I can always add things to my christmas wish list though.
Writing is progressing slowly at the moment, distractions are distracting me, but I’m doing lots of background reading and I keep coming up with ideas and imaginings which as long as I write them down I can’t lose them.
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