Page 16 of Whispers is finished and it only took a week. No idea how I managed to get it done so quickly, it could well be the blocks of colour need less concentration and I’m able to just get into the zone on it. This page was mostly dark blue with a few areas of other colours but they only seemed to stand out once I’d finished and taken the picture. I can now say that I only have 40 pages left to stitch on this one and just two more pages until I get to the face. But I start on some of the foreground on the next page as a bit of her wing starts to emerge.

I’ll be going straight onto page 17 now, Snow Girl was the first choice in the random selection but I don’t have everything ready for her yet so I had to re-roll. It’s going to be a busy week next week so I doubt I’ll be able to get the page done that quickly again but the blocks does make it a lot easier to pick up and put down. I’ll probably also spend some time getting Snow Girl ready so that if she does come up again after the next page I’ll be ready for her.
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