Since finishing Unicorn I have moved Nightmare into the 21 day focus slot but I had been working on it at the weekends and lunchtimes in January, February before stitching on it for the end of the month of April. This is a kit from Geckorouge and the artist is Medusa Dollmaker.
January 5,494 stitches 23 days. I’m working on the second row of pages stitching the cat and then stitching Jack’s face. I don’t know how many times I started and stopped threads working on all of those patterns but the result is amazing.

February 4,826 stitches 16 days. Finally finished Jack’s face and all of that confetti. Luckily I was able to switch between that part and working on the blocks of colour in the background so when one part felt that it was slow going I was able to power through another section.

April 5,511 stitches 9 days. Worked on this project for the last 9 days of the month of April. Starting on the 3rd row of pages. Again I was switching between the background and foreground a lot but this time it was because I needed a break from the blocks of colour rather than needing a break from the confetti. After this I had a couple of months with no stitching on it to get Unicorn finished so that it could take the place of Unicorn in the rotation.