And so he should be, he should be wondering why it took so long to get this page done. Seeing the dragon come to life is my favourite part of stitching the Spangler designs. The charting keeps so much of the detail intact you can usually still see their expressions.

The downside is all of the confetti that goes into making something that looks so good and that’s why it takes longer to get a page done.
It isn’t all his fault though. I’ve been knitting a fair bit too, joining in with a mystery knit along with a new clue every week. My shawl is finished now and it waiting until the weekend to be washed and blocked. I’ll share a picture once it’s blocked, it makes such a difference.
I’m going to stick with Computer Catastrophes for another page, I’ve got that blue screen to work on which means an entire page made up of mostly three shades of blue. I shall stick an audiobook on and get my head down for a bit of concentration. I’ve done 15 of the 30 pages now so I should start feeling that I’m on my way to a finish shouldn’t I?
1 Comment
Congrats Nicola on reaching the halfway milestone, it looks fantastic. Love the Spangler dragons too.
Alicia xox