It’s the last turn on the rotation for this project this year. I was able to finish page 15 during the two weeks and make some good progress on page 16. I knew that the collar would be full of confetti and it didn’t disappoint but it’s almost completed now and I’m quickly on my way to lots of background.
Some stats for the year thanks to Pattern Keeper counting my stitches for me I know that I have completed 23,332 stitches on it this year and worked on it 37 times. That takes me to 121 total stitching sessions so far and I have just 22,898 stitches remaining.
Next year I shall be taking part in 21 in 21 with the Full Coverage Fanatics Facebook group. The goal is to complete 21,000 stitches in 2021 on a project so I’ll be using Just Be for that. My main goal will be to complete the entire project to get another project off my list. I’m going to continue working on this piece for two weeks every other month as I’m confident that I’ll be able to reach the finish before the year is out.

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