2014 is finally with us and I should really do a round up of stitching from 2013. 2013 was a year of progress for my stitching, I reached the halfway point with Whispers, a few pages on Eternal Promise and less than that on poor Snow Girl. I finished Mini Lost In You which was an achievement as it had battled me so much. I got a lot of knitting done as well which was a nice change in exercise for my fingers as well as providing some nice Christmas gifts. I didn’t finish Computer Catastrophes though. But I did have two new starts with QS Arthur and Into the Sea. All in all I stitched 34 pages this year.

This morning I took a picture of my ort jar before emptying it ready for 2014 stitching.

I used them to fill a plastic frog which had once been home to a very nice chocolate frog
I may not have finished Computer Catastrophes but to start the new year in the right way I finished page 22 today. I made it through that blue screen and next up is the jar of computer bugs which will mean lots and lots of confetti. It’s also the last full size page so I’m re-setting my goal, Computer Catastrophes will be finished this year.

I’m going to focus on Computer Catastrophes for now, working on the others as I need a break. Once that is done the plan is to then focus on Whispers, it would be very nice to get another couple of rows of pages done on her this year.
1 Comment
Congrats on making so much progress on your works this year =) I envy you for stitching 34(!!!) pages last year, I only managed to stitch 10…
I love your work on Computer Catastrophes and I can’t wait to see this finished =) I’m sure you will be able to do so during the year =)
I hope 2014 brings you health, joy and a lot of stitching time =)