After my finish I’ve gone straight back to Gamer Nouveau. I had a couple of days where I didn’t feel up to doing much stitching or not knowing what I wanted to work on but I expect that after big finishes.
I’m starting the next row of pages on Gamer, there are only four rows of pages left to stitch and I’ll soon be at the 50% completion point on this project. I’m going to keep on the same schedule that I was using on Into The Sea but I might switch more with another project whenever I need the break from Gamer. It has a lot more confetti to stitch than Into The Sea did. I have another mystery stitch along starting in May so that project might be a good take a break piece.
Page 19 had a lot of the grey border and a lot of confetti in the plant stems the best part was getting to work more on sonic the hedgehog and the first of his little red sneakers. That shoe was so full of confetti but on the whole the page didn’t take long to stitch. Maybe absence makes the needle stitch faster. I did go straight on with page 20 and there should be another update soon.

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