One of the things I am constantly trying to find as a stitcher is ‘The Perfect Setup’ a setup where I will be so comfortable I can while away the hours stitching, stitching, stitching. I’ve been a lot more comfortable since I created my own little corner in the front room in front of the window where I can make the most of the evening sunshine. For ages though I’ve been after (yet another) new sewing stand. I’ve gradually worked my way through several types of stitching stands and the one thing I have always struggled with is getting the angle of the work just right. When I do get the angle just right there’s always something else that I struggle with especially as I use large scroll frames. Last week I treated myself to a System 4 needlework stand from America – I haven’t been able to find any UK suppliers.

It arrived on Thursday and I’ve had so much fun stitching with it ever since. Impatient as I am I promptly got it set up with Computer Catastrophes which I had already attached to the right kind of scroll bars. My work was held at just the right angle and I could adjust that as I was stitching to easily get to the area I was stitching. It holds itself in place, I don’t have to adjust wingnuts to change the angle or to get to the back of the work – not only is that time-saving but it means I don’t worry about getting my hands mucky adjusting parts. It isn’t going to be so easy to swap between projects now, but that isn’t a bad thing because I want to focus a little more on just one at a time. Obviously that’s going to turn into doing several pages before swapping depending on what I feel like stitching.
I finished the first page of Computer Catastrophes which was my aim for the week and for a little while I was considering carrying on with it for a bit but Whispers won out and she’s staked her place on the frame. I expect it will be a few pages before I’m back on Catastrophes. I’m going to see how long I can concentrate on just the one for a little while, and Little Princess is still waiting patiently for attention.
Hi, i am also in the U.K and i have been looking into this system. Can you please tell me which company you went with to order the system and if its not too cheeky how much you paid for it.. I don’t know if this message will work as i have never asked anyone anything before but if you could email me back that would be great. Love the HAED you are doing by the way.
Thank you in advance
I also would love to know which supplier you ordered from. I was contemplating a Millenium frame from here in the UK, but this seems much simpler and better suited to how I stitch. Thanks!
Hi can you let me know the company that you bought this stand from please
I also am in UK and would love one of these frames. Can I repeat the questions already asked please – which us supplier and the costs (if that isn’t too cheeky).
Many thaNKS
Hi Val, I got the system 4 needlework stand from Threadneedle Street in America The prices may have increased since I got mine, especially the cost of shipping. I do remember that I was lucky enough not to get caught up in customs but they have been a lot more stringent recently. Another stand to consider is the Mark 2 stand from Hearthside Craftworks which appears in a later blog post, that one is from Canada and you can get it from that one is a better option if you do not have space between your floor and stitching chair