Horrible head cold has scuppered my progress over the last week and a bit, sometimes you just have to admit defeat and rest. I have been trying to keep up with Whispers I think I was almost halfway through page 13 at the last update. I’ve also switched to stitching on whatever I most feel like stitching and did a few nights on mini lost in you but it needs a little more attention before I take another picture. But it’s Whispers that has been demanding most of my stitching time, probably because I’m so close to a row finish on it now.

Page 13 is now finished and I’ve just finished the top third of page 14. Page 14 isn’t as wide as the other pages so it seems to stitch up quicker, there’s lots of branch detail on this page though which will stop me just whizzing through the page. I’m looking forward to getting this row done it will take me to the 25% complete stage. I might take a break and work on one of the others for a page before going onto page 15. There will probably be a lot of breaks during pages 15 and 16 because of the amount of blocks of colour just the thought of it is making the confetti of Lost in You seem appealing; then again I’m on a little more colourful area on Couch Dragon so perhaps I’ll pick that one up instead
1 Comment
It looks gorgeous, the background is so beautiful!