It took just over a week to complete another page on the Train of Dreams. Yes, page 16 is now complete and the whole thing is nearly 86% done that’s just two more pages left to stitch. I’ll be sad to get it finished in a way because I’ve enjoyed stitching it so much. The last two pages look like they could have quite a bit of confetti in them so I’m sure I’ll regret that statement.

I love the detail on the pencil and on the sky marble, usually you have to step back from the picture to really appreciate the shading but the marble just stood out as I stitched it.
Next I’ll be spending a week on QS Curl up with a good book for the Haed Stitch along, more books and more dragons to look forward to. Then I have to make the decision of whether to go straight back to the train or whether to do another page on Whispers for a bit of a break. I’ll make that decision next weekend.
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