Finally a picture of Woodland enchantress mostly done; just the finishing bits to do now, backstitch, beading, french knots and couching. I did give it a bit of a gentle wash which brought the stitches back to plumpness after being squashed on the frame for a while but it’s all dry now and waiting for me to have a bit of time that I can sit down and do as much of the finishing as possible on the one day. Got some time off work soon so I’ll save it for then.
Now though I’ve gone onto The Enchanter, well I should say gone back to, I don’t have too much to do on this one to get it finished as I’m about halfway through the border and I’ve already stitched and backstitched the main picture.

The stitching itself got a bit dusty while it wasn’t being done but I’ve got my fingers crossed that a good soak once it’s finished will get it looking as good as new. This one has a lot of fractional stitches which I don’t mind when I’m working on evenweave, my only problem is not seeing them on the pattern properly and forgetting to put them in. I wonder if I’ll be able to get it finished by the end of the year?
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