Bit of a catch up on the first half of 2022. January started with Unicorn as my focus project 21 days every other month. Goal for 2022 to finish the project.
January – 11,502 stitches in 21 days at the end of this month I had reached 50% complete. There were some blocks of colour in this section but I was still surprised at how much I had managed to get done.

March – 12,528 stitches in 21 days. At this point it started to get exciting, there are lots of different shades in the frame. The frame is the trickiest part of the entire piece but the face of the Unicorn is a big block of colour and the background has some nice patches of colour so I was able to make up for all of the time I was spending switching needles on the frame. At the end of this rotation I was roughly 75% complete and the number of stitches remaining was around the number of stitches that I had completed this month.

May – 12,865 stitches in 20 days. At the start of the rotation I decided that I would just keep stitching and get this project finished even if it meant taking a few days from the next project. In the end I was finished a day before the rotation was due to finish so I was able to get it washed and get my new project prepped ready to start. I decided to take the opportunity to have a switch around of projects in the rotation so that I could choose a different project to be the focus rather than putting a new start directly into that slot.