The trouble with plans is that they can be difficult to stick to. This week’s rotation was Fairy Tales and I’ve completed page one and I’m about halfway through page two.

The trouble is that it’s now the end of the week and tomorrow it’s time to go back to the sunflowers but I really want to carry on with Fairy Tales. But I’m going to swap, I want to do the sunflowers just as much and it will be good to get back to larger stitches.
I tried to park the threads, that is to leave the thread where it will next be used but I got a bit confused with the similar colours and it didn’t really work for me. Instead I worked on doing the confetti stitches first and not worrying about trailing the thread along the back, when I went back and stitched the main colours all the trailing threads were secured safely and I didn’t have such a messy back where I had been fastening on and off the confetti stitches.
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