A bit of a late update on this one, somehow having time off work gave me less time for blogging. I’m blaming it on having all of that extra time for stitching.
I’ve finished my third page of A Stitch In Time, I’d just finished the rabbit at the end of the last rotation so as you can see I was mostly stitch the greenery (reliving those bush of doom days on Whispers) and that lovely big white flower which is so gorgeous. At the edge of the page I can see some bits that make up the edge of one of the ‘rooms’ that the little people pictures are in. I’m not sure that’s going to pick up in the photograph though, you might need to look very carefully.
But I can see the skeins of floss and behind those it looks like some book spines making up the background.
On with the next page now and I’m going down following that hoop so there’s a lot of background fabric to stitch along with some more letters.
I’ll be back in a couple of days with my end of rotation update.

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