No stitching update this week, there was so little stitching time that I don’t really have any progress on Snow Girl to show. It’s down to a mix of things mostly time related and when I did sit down to stitch my heart wasn’t in it. I’m going to blame my socks, after I finished the first one I had to get on with the second sock; one sock on it’s own is useless when you have two cold feet. Besides this time I knew how many rows I needed to do so none of that measuring stuff for me. I think it’s like being at that point in a sewing when you only have one or two more pages left to stitch and all you can think about is the finishing. So here we are, my first pair of hand-knitted socks (and my first time using dpns).

I like having some knitting to do, it lets me do something when it’s too late to get down to some sewing and it’s much more portable. My mum taught me to knit when I was young but I’ve mostly only knitted jumpers, cardigans and the occasional scarf. Socks were a step up for me, mostly because of the dpns but I soon got the hang of those. Now I’m looking at pretty lacy shawls and stoles (lace knitting is my favourite so these are ideal). Things have moved on a lot since I started knitting, there’s a whole world of luxury hand dyed yarns – expensive but gorgeous. I have all the stitching gadgets I need – not including patterns, there’s always new patterns that I need. So now I’m dipping my toe into yarn heaven, I had a few bits arrive today from MeadowYarn who did a fantastic job of turning my order round in less than an hour. I’ve got some beautiful new yarns for socks and shawls, enough to start me off for now at least.

For now though I’m going to sit down and stitch Snow Girl. Lots of blocks of black are in need of my attention.
1 Comment
I love the socks you finished and I love your new stash even more! Are these the Symphony Wood DPNs from KnitPro? They look so lovely but I am a bit afraid of needle made of wood. I love using the Nova series from KnitPro (and metal surely doesn’t break so easily). I would love to hear how the needles do in knitting 😉
The new yarn is beautiful, especially the ruby-red one =)
I’m looking forward to see Snow Girl =)