The super speedy stitching continues still as I finish another page, this time page 2 on Snow Girl. Just over a week to do but it was a very busy week with not so much time for stitching. I’ve been getting back to my parking working it a little differently on this one because of it being on the magic guide fabric and the guide lines being every 20 stitches rather than the 10 that I stitch in on the others. I think I got used to it though.

In the bottom corner her hair is making an appearance, the main colour is black but there were lots of greys and blues to work around it. I’m not sure if it comes out on the photograph but around the hair there are some lines of the darker background blues and they really look like stray strands of whispy hair. I think it will stand out more as I get more of her hair in but it’s an amazing detail.
I’ve already consulted the random selector for the next page. I’ve had a few pages switching between Whispers and Snow Girl but now it’s the turn of Computer Catastrophes for a page. I’m looking forward to the bright colours which will make a change to the blues and blacks that I’ve been using recently. I’m looking forward to having more time for stitching this weekend and after weeks of dull, wet weather the sun is making an appearance so I’m going to make the most of the natural light for stitching.
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