Still playing catch up with the recent page finishes. This is page 8 of QS Queen Of Hearts although it’s only my 5th stitched page. For some reason I decided to start at the bottom and work my way up and this far through I’ve decided that I really don’t like to work this way. My stitching brain just isn’t working this way around so when I do get back to stitching her I’m going to find the top and work my way down the rest of the pattern. She’s also stitched with tent stitch and I’m still in two minds about this, it’s not that I hate stitching this way but I’m not in love with it either. My head is probably so used to doing the crosses it feels like something is missing when I only do half a stitch.
I’ve only been stitching her on the occasional evening now and then when I needed a break from Whispers so I probably won’t be doing any more on her until Whispers is finished and she’ll be put in with whatever rotation I decide to do.

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