Sometimes it seems that the less time that I feel I have to stitch the more I actually get done. I think it could be the design though. This week was a week for Faces of Faery 70 which has lots of nice areas of blocks of colour. I’m not parking on this one just stitching each colour and working the others in as I finish off each area. Even in areas where there is confetti it’s all contained within slices of colour like the pink and purple stripes in her hair.
Page 1 is finished now and it only took two weeks I have a feeling that her feathery wings are going to contain a little more confetti but there’s the rest of her face to complete first.
You might just be able to make out the little sparkly area of her nose, I stitched the area around the nose first before putting in the sparkly thread. I used the Rainbow Gallery Petite Treasure Braid rather than the Kreinik and it’s stitched up really nicely and doesn’t feel too thick. I also ran it through some thread heaven before starting to help it through the fabric and the thread held its shape very nicely.
I worked on the train of dreams tonight and the dragons nose has started to appear.
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