A couple of updates this week but I’ll space them throughout the week so that they don’t get hidden away.
I have a finish, something that I’ve started and finished this year. Earlier this year I was feeling the need for something a little different, I can’t really explain it but I felt the need to stitch bigger stitches and to do something just for pure enjoyment. Not that I don’t enjoy my big pieces and that’s what’s difficult to explain, it was just that my enjoyment of stitching them felt like it was being drained away.
Anyway I was looking through the other charts out there and I decided that I was going to stitch Minerva by Nora Corbett, bigger stitches and beads. I’ve beaded before and really enjoy it so why not. I got a kit from Polstitches Designs, I’ve never used hand dyed fabric before but it was nice to use something so pretty.
I started stitching on 29th February this year and I was spending one evening a week on her but for the last couple of weeks I’ve been spending Saturday and Sunday mornings in my craft room listening to the birds singing and stitching away on her. So she didn’t take me long at all – these types never do which is why I prefer my bigger full coverage pieces to get my teeth into – but I enjoyed every minute on her (except the parts where I miscounted and had to unpick). And then the beading, so much fun and it sets her off perfectly. So I finished her on Sunday 29th May and on Monday I started another Mirabilia ready for more weekend mornings of simply enjoying putting needle and thread through fabric. She needs to be pressed but I’ll do that before we visit the framer.

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