I started this page at the end of the February amended rotation, I hadn’t quite spent two weeks on Eternal Promise but because of my headstart on page 33 I was able to get started on page 34. It feels like it’s been a while since I had stitched any background on this piece and where the stitching of the clothes likes to run vertically the stitching of the background wants to go horizontally so it took a little bit of getting used to not seeing the page scattered with random stitches.

I’ve finally finished the little tree on the right not that I really noticed it while I was stitching it and I’m now of the forest floor. There are couple of lighter patches where the sunlight is breaking through and they involved a lot of colour changes. On the whole the page came together pretty quickly once I had worked through those areas and next is the end of row page 35 which is also part of my March rotation goal.
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