I started the year with a plan to work two pages a month on Eternal Promise and I managed to keep up that pace until June. Slowly it began o feel that the pages were taking me longer to stitch and that I wasn’t getting to my other projects frequently enough. For the second half of the year I’ve cut it back to one page a month so it is still my focus piece and when I get to the end of the row I stitch the last two pages at the same time just because of how small the end of the row page is.

When I last blogged about this I was finishing off the second row of pages. Since then I’ve completed two more rows and halfway through the next row – that’s another 17 pages taking my total for the year to 20 pages working on it a total of 167 times this year. I’ve now completed 31 of 63 pages and in terms of the number of stitches done I’ve over the 50% complete mark.

I’m now working on the bodies of Arwen and Aragorn. Most of the confetti seems to be in the border especially those little flowers. The forest background isn’t bad but it can sometimes be hard to see what you’re stitching until a section is completed and you realise it was a tree trunk. The clothes are easier because the colours flow down the page. I’m expecting the middle section to stay as simple but the background may get a bit more confetti strewn as I start on the forest floor with it’s scattered flowers.

My plan for 2019 is to continue with the page a month goal but I’m going to give myself at least 12 days to do that in (there is usually one day a week when I don’t stitch on my big projects so I count a week as 6 days). Currently I’m averaging 10 days to complete a page so I should gradually be able to get ahead by stitching just over a page each month. With this plan I have a couple of spare days most months so if I feel like I’m not keeping up with my taget then I can spend a coupld of extraa days on it without missing allotted days on other projects. My goal for 2019 is to stitch up to page 46 but it would be a bonus to get that row of pages complete leaving me with just two rows to stitch in 2020.
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