Halfway point! From this point I have fewer pages to stitch than I have already stitched. The colours are very similar in this page which is Arwen’s dress and moving over onto Aragorn’s robe.

These colours are still moving downwards so a lot of the time it feels like I’m stitching in stripes which is good because I can get down to the bottom of the page pretty quickly.
My rotation on this in January was to work on it for the first two weeks of the month with a couple of spare days if I hadn’t finished the page in that time. I missed a couple days of stitching because I came down with a dose of the flu and wasn’t able to do any stitching at all for those days. In spite of that I still managed to get the page done before the two weeks were finished and I made a start of page 33 which gives me a nice head start for February. Throughout the year I hope to finish a page or two more than I would just working one page a month.
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