I’m focusing all of my stitching energies on Whispers at the moment. Part of me is really excited to be ticking off the nearly finished milestones while the other, more realistic, part of me is trying to keep me grounded with the knowledge that it’s still a fairly long way from the finishing post.
But here’s another milestone, I’ve finished the penultimate row of pages. I am about to start the last row. Now normally this would be a sign that I’m really nearly finished because it is all partial pages. Unfortunately on Whispers that last row of pages are nearly full size pages so it’s going to take me just a long. And there are some very detailed confetti filled pages ahead so it might just end up taking me longer.
So one last look before I wind the fabric on a bit more. I love the detail of the dress and I really love the detail of those ferns that appeared on the bottom right. If I stay focused then I hope to have a finish in January 2016, it seems a long way off now but this year is disappearing very quickly.

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