I’m always torn when working on Death By Cross Stitch; is it better to work page by page or block by block? The silk thread that I’m using is mostly solid so working by page shouldn’t cause any problems but what I’ve done so far is to mostly work by block.

Now I’ve reached the big gryphon block I’ve decided that I’m going to work by page – well mostly by page. I’ll dip down into the page underneath to finish off some motifs. The first gryphon is in and done so next I’ll be moving across to page 6 to work the second gryphon and to work my way around the letter N.
I’m not sure how long it will take for me to work a page, my time spent stitching on it at the weekend is pretty fluid anyway but the border stitched up a lot quicker than I expected so I’m hoping a couple of months will see it done.
1 Comment
Really like your color choices and use of silks. Over the years I have become a silk snob and rarely use cottons. I am planning to start DBCC this year on 40 count linen with paintbox silk threads, how much thread did u order for your project.
I would appreciate any input u may have on this subject.