This week I have been catching up on the few days that I missed of the Heaven and Earth Designs stitchalong. I delayed starting because I was so close to finishing Faces of Faery 70. Now I’ve nearly finished page 2 of this chart and I’m trying to make up my mind whether or not to get this page finished before I get back to my train. It’s been weeks since I’ve put in any stitches on the Train of Dreams and I’m really missing it but there isn’t much to do on page 2 and then I can concentrate on the train until the next stitch along week.
Page 2 of Sunny has had lots of colour changing which is clearing up now that I’m getting to the hair on the right hand side of the picture. She has been a test of patience though particularly when you spend hours stitching and it doesn’t look like you’ve progressed much through the column. But that’s the challenge with these pieces andwhy they look so beautiful and why it feels so good when you reach your targets.
At the moment I’m avoiding making any new starts, my big finish has meant that I want to spend more time on Train of Dreams to get that finished as well so I might see how long the new start itch stays away. Also thinking about giving patchwork a try. I’ve got the fabric together just need to make space somewhere so that I can get the squares cut out and then I have to brave the sewing machine.
Wow! Sunny is coming along great. The colours are so vibrant. Can I ask what fabric you are using and how many strands of thread. I’ve tried 2 over 1 on 25ct Lugana and even though it makes the colours stand out it is really hard going.
The fabric is 25 count Ivory Lugana. I stitch using one strand of thread which has been giving me very good coverage. I tried using two strands but found that it was too bulky for me especially in areas where there were lots of colour changes.
That is fantastic coverage for one strand. It is so vibrant in the photo in reality it must be amazing. Your site is very inspiring every time I read an entry I then turn off the computer and go and stitch. :>
She’s gorgeous, wonderful job!!