My rotation swapped on Saturday and brought me back to stitching A Stitch In Time, I knew I didn’t have a lot to do to get it finished but a lot of it was the background fabric pattern and a couple of twirly bits on the letter S. With a lot of concentrating I managed to get that page finished on the Sunday.
I’d already made the decision to carry on upwards and stitch the page directly above this one, it’s a little different for me to be stitching from the centre but it did mean that I didn’t need to spend time doing any gridding and I know that my piece of fabric is more than big enough so no worries there.
Part of my page choice is also based on the fact that my start area is the embroidery hoop in the middle of the piece so having worked the most central page I can now work all of the pages around that page and have the hoop completed and get little glimpses of the different shelves. So I’ll be working the pages around in a clockwise order, I’ll share my next progress at the end of the rotation in a week.

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