In a break with the tradition of the last few years I had no new starts at Christmas. Instead I worked on A Stitch In Time hoping to get more of page 3 done. It was a very quiet time as households were not allowed to mix in my area so I was able to get a lot of sewing done and managed to get that page finished off. I also had enough time to continue with page 4.
Page 3 was mostly book spines and some confetti flowers. At the bottom of the page I’ve got a good portion done on the black lace fan which was a lot easier to stitch than I imagined it would be. With page 4 I am into one of the the vignettes but I’m mostly working on windows and about to reach the lady working on her stitching.
Over the course of the year I have worked on this piece 70 times which is an achievement considering that a couple of years ago I had put it away and didn’t think it would see the light of day again. This year it has grown by 35,773 stitches and is over 25% complete.
My goal for 2021 is to get the top row of pages completed. I have page 4 to finish then pages 7,8,9 and the partial page 10. I hope that it is an achievable goal as I have completed 4 pages in 2020.

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