The first project to move from the inactive project pile into active rotation is Unicorn a kit from Geckorouge based on artwork by Lorna Laine which I started last year. It isn’t a big project but it contains a lot of confetti which makes it a fun stitch. By the end of last year I finished off the top row of pages but as it is a shaped piece two of the five pages on the top row are blank and the other three are partial.
This project is on a one week rotation so it pops up every three months. My starting point is on the second row and because of the shape of the picture I’m working on the first two pages of that row. The first page mostly has the fancy confetti frame running down into it. I’ve manage to make a start on the Unicorn mostly on the mane which is an interesting combination of purples and peachy orange colours.
I wasn’t able to finish either of the pages this rotation but I’ve made a good start and I’m confident that both pages will be finished the next time this comes up in the rotation which will be in November.

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