This month I had to decide between my projects. There was no stitching for almost two weeks due to illness so I had to decide between Trick Or Treat or Moon Sweet Moon after getting my page done on Eternal Promise. I probably could have worked on both but I had some goals and I wasn’t in the frame of mind to switch after a few days.

Trick or Treat won, I haven’t worked on it since November and Moon Sweet Moon is on the plan every month where Trick or Treat won’t be out again until May. My goal was to finish page 2 and while there didn’t seem to be much to do it wasn’t going to be quick. This project is totally full of confetti. Really full. The proper pick a colour, stitch a stitch, finish colour because it isn’t used again in surrounding area.
I did manage to get the page done and I even got started on page 3. I’ve done a flosstube stitch with me of page 3 and from that you can see the amount of confetti as I’m flipping to the back to finish my thread as often as I’m at the front.
It looks so good though, I really do enjoy working on it and it’s going to take me an age to stitch but I’m going to enjoy it all. I can’t wait to get to stitching the building but there’s a lot of branches, leaves and sky to do first.
In March my rotation will hopefully be back to normal and I’ll be able to work on a lot more projects. Fingers crossed.
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