I designed my rotation around being able to work on Trick or Treat in October.
I had already started page 7 but I wasn’t very far into it and working on some of the confetti filled leaves. I’ve been looking forward to getting the other side of the moon stitched because it meant working on the witch.
It took a little longer to stitch than I anticipated because suddenly I was back into changing colours a lot, it’s hard to tell from the picture but it uses a lot of colours in the witch and there are only two stitches of black. She looks really good though.
Once page 7 was finished I moved onto page 8 which again was one that I had already started but for some reason I was lacking the motivation to stitch. I’ve been very busy recently and that has meant that some evenings I’m just not able to focus in the way that I normally would.
The rotation has moved on now (I’m a little late getting this posted) I’m still having days with little concentration but hopefully it will get better soon

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