This week has been Sunny SK stitch along week so I’ve started on page 2. This is where all the colour changes start so I’ve reverted to stitching in columns of ten stitches and parking colours in the block beneath. Which ended up being a real pain as I was using a small q-snap and could not find a comfortable position to support the frame and keep the extra threads out of the way. So Sunny is now on one of my needle needs frames which means I can use the lapstand and stitch with two hands which is my preferred method.
My progress so far has mostly been her hair, it’s such a lovely bright piece of work it cheers me up just to look at her and that makes up for all of the colour changes. Progress feels like it’s been very slow this week but I think part of that is down to me wanting to get back to stitching my Train of Dreams. I was tempted to carry on stitching Sunny for a couple of days to get to the middle of the chart but I keep thinking of my Train so I know that I’m not going to be able to do it.
I’ve also seen that Dimensions are releashing a Fall Fairy kit which would act as a companion piece for Woodland Enchantress. Now that I’ve been hooked stitching Heaven and Earth Designs I would prefer to stitch their more detailed version Fall Fairy the crop of the picture is different so you don’t lose the extra detail of the woodland sprites watching from the trees. I’ve seen a couple of examples of this being stitched and it looks beautiful.
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