As usual, when the finish is in sight I manage to power through the last couple of pages in double quick time. Originally I wanted to get it finished by the end of the year but then the Christmas Day new start discussion started and I decided that I’d really like to get it done before then. After all a new start needs to have a nice chunk of time spent on it.
I managed to get this finished on 22nd December and if I put together all of the time I stitched on it into one lump of days then it would have been started and finished within 2 months. I know a few people work one project at a time – I used to be one of those people, but now I like to drag projects out by splitting myself across them.

This project has been a joy to stitch, just right in the balance of confetti to blocks and I love the colours that I have been stitching with. I enjoyed the 18 count aida as well. Even with this smaller project I’ve got the usual twinge of sadness that my time stitching her has come to an end. But I do have another Eruda Art kit in my stash pile so I’m happy that I have another to do at some point.
Once we get into the New Year I’ll start to think about how I’m going to frame it, I haven’t made my mind up yet on what colour frame I’d like to go with it. I do know that I’ll be putting her up among my bookcases; she needs to be surrounded by books.
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