Grumpy cat has a new game called the “Well if you’re not sitting there” game. The second you stand up from the chair he has to jump in there, curl up and act like he’s been sitting there all the time. The game used to exclusively belong to the sofa because he would be sitting there anyway and moving would just be slinking across once another seat became free. Just recently he has decided that my stitching chair is also part of the game although I had finished stitching for the night when I took this picture.
My stitchy area has become a whole adventure playground for grumpy cat his favourite activity is hiding beneath the table that holds my needle organisers and poking his paw up to tag me whenever I change colours, if he can wait that long, sometimes an exploratory paw will appear from nowhere just to make sure the chair is still occupied.

I’ve made more good progress on Whispers this week having successfully avoided any more new starts. Page 8 is nearly finished I just have to fill in all of the gaps with black. It feels like it takes forever to finish off blocks of colour I think it’s just because I get it into my head that it’s only one colour and I forget that it can take a while to get through that many stitches. I had expected more blocks of black in this page but there’s a few colours in there making up the texture of the tree trunk. I love how it’s looking and after this page it’s time for stitch along week and all the colours of QS Curl up with a good book
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