I’ve got that finishing feeling, and the feeling that pages are rushing by. At the moment I have a couple of fairly simple pages to stitch on Whispers after the load of flowers on page 50. Page 51 had a couple of flowers and lots of blocks of blue and black on her dress so it’s all been very nice and stitching up quickly. But I really need to find a way to avoid distractions when I’m faced with blocks of the same colour. All devices of internet distraction have to be put out of easy reach and when I can I’ve been listening to audiobooks, the only downside with that is I get so caught up in the story I forget to take breaks to stretch.
On with page 52 now (at the time of writing this I’ve almost finished page 52) which is another page of just dress. I want to believe that I can get her finished this year as there’s only five pages left to stitch but the end of the year always ends up being busy and not so much time for stitching. We shall see.

This is looking wonderful!
Every time I see you working on this I want to start my QS version, she’s just so pretty!