Mooka is coming up to a year old. I started her last year on leap day as my project to work on during the extra days of the month which don’t fit into the full week. Leap day is the only time I get one of those days in February so it was the perfect day to start.
I’m currently working from home due to the pandemic so this week I made some extra time for her and worked on her during my lunch breaks as well as the regular days of Friday, Saturday and Sunday. That’s really helped me to make some progress and given me a way to get some stitches done on her in February too.
Progress is fairly slow because of working from a paper pattern and because she only gets a couple of days a month but this month I focused on more of her dress and working on the lovely coppery colours of her bedsheets. I have that all down to the same level now but there are still 50 or so rows to get to the bottom although the stitched parts get smaller.
I generally leave the beading to last on these projects and there will be thousands of beads to attach once the cross stitch is done. At the moment I’m enjoying the freedom of being able to chose to work her on a scroll frame or on a q-snap if I don’t want to work at a stand and I don’t think that I would be able to bead using a q-snap.
I have no idea when I will have her finished. I think that there is more stitching on the left side of this picture than there is on the right so hopefully things will speed up once I’m through all of her dress I don’t have any goals for her. I would like to have most of the cross stitch done by the end of the year but it’s not something that I’m going to work on instead of one of my full coverage pieces.

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