I finished my first shawl! It was a lot quicker than I expected but it didn’t really take me long to get back into remembering stitches. The body of the shawl was really quick as I only worked on it a couple of evenings and a couple of hours at the weekend when I needed a break from my sewing. The border on the other hand took a couple of evenings and a weekend morning especially the bind-off.

Here it is all blocked and dried. The yarn was from Easyknits and the colour is Boy Oh Boy Blue and is a gorgeous colour, almost peacock blue. I’ve got several options for my next shawl but I haven’t made up my mind which one will be next but it will be a couple of weeks before I start the next one. I have a ball already wound but I’ve changed my mind on the pattern so I’m looking around at what else I can make with it.
For now I’m continuing with Computer Catastrophes.
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