Well I’ve finally done it, I’ve finally finished my first Heaven and Earth Design Faces of Faery 70 by Jasmine Becket-Griffith. I finished her just before midnight having put in the last of the sparkly threads and completing a column and a half in one day. The difficult thing about getting close to finishing a project is that it seems to take forever. I think it’s because I could see how much I had left to do.
She’s taken about 8 weeks to stitch and she’s stitched one over one full crosses on 25 count Ivory Lugana. There are some sparkly threads in her wings and on her nose, I’m not sure how well the camera has picked them out though.
I really should have been stitching my Sunny StoryKeep in the stitch along but with only a few columns left to do I couldn’t put her down. I shall make up the time on Sunny, for now though I’m enjoying that happy feeling that comes from looking at a completed picture and knowing that I stitched it.
I still plan to spend a few weeks just on Sunny and Train of Dreams, I have a new project all kitted up, prepared and ready to start but I will have spent a while away from the train so it will be nice to devote some time to it.
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