I haven’t posted for a while but not because I haven’t been stitching. I’ve actually been getting a lot of stitching done but I haven’t been making the time to keep the blog updated.
Since I last updated I have been concentrating on Whispers, some evenings I’ll spend some time on something smaller but Whispers is taking most of my attention. So since my last update I have managed to complete three pages of Whispers including the last full size page of the entire piece.
First there was a page with more flowers and some fabric swags.

Then there were lots and lots of fabric folds.

And finally the last full size page and the return of some flowers. There’s also a tiny bit of grass in the bottom right corner. You can also see the little ‘end of the row’ page.

I think my interest in putting all of my focus into this one is due to the nearly finished feeling that I’m getting. The last row of pages are almost full size and there’s a lot of details still to stitch so I don’t think that I’ll be stitching any quicker but just knowing that I’m getting to the last row of pages is really quite exciting.
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