I don’t know why but sometimes a page just feels like it takes ages to finish. It’s often the partial pages, probably too easy to set unrealistic expectations of how long something is going to take to finish. Page 12 of Computer Catastrophes is an end of the row page (hence it being a partial page) and I remember page 6 being a battle as well.

I think it was something to do with the ends of the books that I’ve been working on these two pages. The book pages part are a mix of greys, pinks and blues and last time I had a colour in the wrong spot of my thread organiser. But the mix of colours is quite blocky and parks really easily. On the other hand there’s the confetti filled ends of the book covers that can’t be parked because I worry about jumping dark threads where lighter threads are going to be stitched. But I got there in the end and my page and row are finished.
Next I’m going to be doing another end row page, page 6 of Mini Lost In You. This one has lots of blocks of colour to work through but I’m determined to get it finished.
1 Comment
You made wonderful progress =) last page may have been a battle, but it’s so beautiful and the books came out wonderfully =)