Back in March I had a new start on Just Be by Jeff Haynie from Heaven and Earth Designs. It was just something to stitch one evening a week and because I knew that I would need something to give me a break on the confetti of Gamer Nouveau. I finished the page on 2nd May but spent 8 evenings stitching on it.
At the moment it’s just clouds in the sky, it isn’t as big as some of my projects so it won’t take long to get to the main part of the picture. There will be a cat ear being stitched in the next page. There is some metallic thread in this one – the sparkle never seems to get picked up in the pictures. I originally stitched with Petite Treasure Braid in PB10 but the stitches were sitting higher than my regular stitches, the treasure braid is thicker that a single strand of DMC. I wasn’t happy with the way it felt on my work so instead I switched to two strands of madeira glissen gloss which is a blending filament and I preferred how that looked. I’m still going to be fitting this project in around my main stitching – I do have other projects that I want to switch in and out during the month but I am enjoying how this one stitches at the moment.

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