The end of the row, two rows of pages remain.
This page was really quick – the secret was having some time off work and spending one night stitching until midnight. The blocks of grey made up for all of the colour changing in those flowers and leaves. And I know that I need to find a way to embrace the grey because there’s a lot of it coming up.
Now that I’ve finished this row I’m going to change how I’m working on this. The last row of pages only has just over 30 rows of stitching on it and is mostly grey so I’ve made the decision to work the pages together. That has the implication that I’ll get two pages finished fairly quickly as one of them is around the third of a normal page so while this one is being finished I’m going to work on Gamer until roughly the 23rd of the month which will give me two pages and part of a third page but it will still leave me with a week to work on a different project. I’ve yet to decide how I’m going to tackle the grey, I think it’s going to mean listening to a lot of audiobooks

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