I was going to post at the weekend but I didn’t have my camera and I didn’t want to spoil the surprise. Little Princess has legs and feet and is now officially finished.

I thought that I would get her done at some point this month but once the dress was done there was a lot less colour changing so I sped through those final parts. I had already arranged a trip to a framer next week so now I have three pictures to take along and finally get frames made for them. I think I shall pick out something light for this one but we’ll see what the framer thinks.
All the details: The design is Little Princess by Gordon Fitchett and is available from Heaven and Earth Designs. She is stitched 1 over 1 on 28 count Grey Jobelan fabric. Started in April 2011 and Finished in November 2011 she took around four months stitching time.
For now it’s back to Whispers to finish the half yearly goal I set for myself which just means two more pages before the end of the year. I’m tempted to concentrate on her for a bit to at least get another row of pages done but we’ll see how successful I am with that. At the moment I’m looking forward to a break from confetti and back to the dark blocks of colour. Knowing me I will have had enough of that by next weekend.
Happy Stitching xx
Do you have another project in a rotation with Whispers, now that Little Princess is finished?
She is lovely and amazing detail – congratulations!
She looks amazing! Congratulations 🙂